Thursday, March 8, 2007

Baboons, not Buffalo!

Just two babboons -- I saw a couple of families of babboons on my drive down to Cape Point. Lots of silly pictures...but I'll limit myself to just this one online.

Yesterday went well -- a lecture on hermeneutics in Prof. Liena Hoffman's class, and a paper on NT in the NT Seminar in the afternoon. They're working me hard!

I continue to make good contacts here and hope we can pursue future relationships for the Seminary. Gotta run do another lecture now! Probably won't be able to post anything else until I get to Korea -- from sunny South Africa to a cooler Korea?


Anonymous said...

The baboons back at NBTS hope you find a few moments to kick back and enjoy the scenery. My son left there in December after spending six months at the University of Cape Town's Law School.

But seriously, do you want me to discuss the budget with Esther or anyone else? Let me know

Anonymous said...

Those babboons are just precious!

Unknown said...

BABBOOOOOONS!!! And that is what I yelled when i opened this. I can't wait to see all the other silly pictures. (And my comments feel silly after reading some of the other ones, but I don't care. My mom's having fun. That's what I care about!) Love you!

Anonymous said...

These fellows look more attentive than most of the folks who hear me preach every Sunday. Then again, they are probably engaged in something far more interesting than my preaching.
