Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Arrival in Vancouver -- and Picture Blog link

I arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia, about 2 hours, or 20 hours depending on how you figure it, after I left Seoul. A long trip -- from Seoul to Tokyo to Portland to Vancouver. Airport security is random and certainly doesn't make me feel safe, just irritated. Oh well.

I've worked some on pictures and have loaded some at Yahoo. You can (I hope) see those, with captions (above the pictures in small print) by clicking HERE.

Hope this works!

It's rainy and cool in Vancouver. I'm here to attend two ATS meetings (that's the organization that accredits theological schools in USA and Canada) -- the Dean's meeting, which is appropriately called CAOS (for Chief Academic Officers Society) and the Women Administrators Retreat. I'll be all deaned up by the time I leave on Monday morning.

I should be back in NJ by Monday evening -- flying through Houston to get to Newark! Don't know if I'll have time to get any pics here in Vancouver.

If I have a chance--and can get a more stable internet connection here, I might try to record some of my impressions and reflections on my visits to South Africa and Korea. Otherwise, it'll just have to be verbal, when I return!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you've gotten at least a little time to relax. My snicker snacks turned out WONDERFULLY and I kept saying 'it smells like xmas' every ten minutes.